Doggy Daily for April 14, 2010
"Hello world Supra here. I had my first mishap at the doggy park." :(
"I was having a great time playing with all the other pooches. Then I went to take a drink out of the water fountain, when a very rude German Shepherd decided to bite me in the face!"
"Now I have a nice puncture wound on my cheek and it looks like I just went to the dentist. Grandma checked to be sure the puncture was not all the way through, and she said it was not, so I will be okay."
"Well okay other than my feelings being hurt and a lump on my face. I did not do anything to deserve that!"
"Oh well, I am not going to let it bother me too much. After all, that doggy park is my favorite place to go with mom and dad. I know they will be sure not to let another dog hurt me again."
"So a word out to all the humans out there, if you have a rude dog stay out of the dog park. If you do go and your dog misbehaves, do not run like a coward. At least check to be sure everyone is okay!"
Until next time...